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People behind Waterwheel


Stan Fretwell

Image of Founders Stan and Phyllis Fretwell at Waterwheel opening day July 2018.

The founder of the Waterwheel Trust.


Stephanie Johnson - co Chair

Image of Stephanie Johnson

Born in the UK and moving to New Zealand in 2009, Stephanie now works as an HR Consultant, with wide experience in all aspects of HR including Health & Safety and Training and Development. Whilst working in the UK Stephanie gained experience of working with charitable organisations, both in a Secretarial and Trustee capacity. She was attracted to the Waterwheel Heritage Trust by the opportunities that we have been able to offer to young people by running pre-employment training. One of her interests is food and cooking, so enjoys the challenge of the fund-raising catering opportunities that we undertake on a regular basis.

John Galbraith - co Chair

Image of John Galbraith

Ex King Country farming family near Piopio. Did Mechanical Engineering at Canterbury then forest engineering in Canada. Previously Manager of Whakatane Board Mills and then Chief Executive CHH Tasman Mill at Kawerau, involved in the restructuring of the Pulp and Paper mills into 2 separate Businesses. Works as a Forestry Consultant, Business Mentor, and General Consultancy. Has a strong interest in organisation, planning, and project liaison.